
A review of human-elephant conflict management strategies
Models for the collaborative management of Africa’s Protected Areas
Multiple functions and institutions: management complexity in the Serengeti ecosystem

The multifunctionality of the Serengeti ecosystem is evident in the range of ecological, economic and socio-cultural goods and services across the landscape and the many institutions designed to manage these functions. Navigating the institutional complexity with respect to wildlife, land and local community rights in Tanzania remains a huge challenge. Most of the relevant policies […]

Patterns of forest loss in one of Africa’s last remaining wilderness areas: Niassa National Reserve (northern Mozambique)

Niassa National Reserve (NNR) supports Mozambique’s largest populations of endangered fauna and sustains the livelihoods of > 40,000 people who utilise its natural resources. Accurately monitoring fine-scale spatial and temporal trends in land-use and tree-cover is increasingly used for monitoring the ecological state of conservation areas. Here we provide essential information on land-use changes in […]

Southern African Development Community – Law enforcement and anti-poaching strategy, 2022 – 2032

The overall objective of the first SADC Law Enforcement and Anti-Poaching (LEAP) strategy (2016-2021) was “to significantly reduce the level of poaching and illegal trade in wildlife fauna and flora and enhance law enforcement capacity in the SADC Region by 2021”. The LEAP Strategies derives their mandate from the SADC Protocol on Wildlife Conservation and […]

Situational analysis of LEAP implementation, emerging trends and challenges for wildlife crime in the SADC region

The illegal wildlife trade (IWT) has developed into a diverse and lucrative form of transnational organized crime, placing serious pressure on fauna and flora worldwide. Wildlife crime is currently considered the fourth most lucrative type of organized crime globally and 2014 estimates of the annual value of IWT were in the range of $7-$23 billion […]

Insurgency, illicit markets and corruption. The Cabo Delgado conflict and its regional implications

The jihadist conflict in Cabo Delgado, northern Mozambique, shows no sign of abating. The region has long been a key economic corridor for illicit flows that traverse the East African coast, including drug trafficking (chiefly of heroin and, more recently, methamphetamine and cocaine), illicitly exported timber, smuggled gems and gold. Contrary to some expectations, research […]

Convergence of wildlife crime and other forms of organised crime in Eastern and Southern Africa

This report aims to contribute to this understanding by analyzing the dynamics and breadth of crime convergence related to the illegal wildlife trade (IWT) in Eastern and Southern Africa, as well as where on the wildlife crime value chain convergence is happening. Using a simple system that characterizes convergence as either network, hub or broker […]

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