Conservation Synergies conducts detailed political-economic, governance and organised crime analyses that include specific and targeted recommendations. Whilst our main focus is wildlife crime, we have undertaken analyses of illicit economies, general trafficking (including humans, drugs, gold, precious stones, waste, etc.), funding of Islamic extremism and crime convergence in multiple countries in the southern and East Africa region. We take a three-pronged approach to triangulate information, using in-country and regional experts, experienced regional analysts, and then couple this with academic expertise. In some cases we are able to access the illicit networks or corrupt facilitators to build a more detailed understanding. We couple analytical and academic rigor to produce deep analyses and balanced practical recommendations. To-date this work has been undertaken on contract with the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime – see the analyses and practical recommendations in the following reports: ‘A triangle of vulnerability: Changing patterns of illicit trafficking off the Swahili coast’, ‘Insurgency, illicit markets and corruption: The Cabo Delgado conflict and its regional implications’, and ‘Convergence of wildlife crime and other forms of organised crime in Eastern and Southern Africa’.